The Human Touch
Chaplain Wade Graber
April 22, 2020
Hey Team Caregivers!
We can never afford to eliminate the personal human element from every facet of life. We have been texting, emailing, calling, streaming, doing Zoominars, and all kinds of technical processes to communicate, keep in touch, and do our work. It still takes humans to invent and develop, mankind to operate and maintain the new technology, and fellow human beings to use the wonders of technology. Still, with all of the technological developments, nothing replaces the human touch, presence, and power of reason.
God knows that the personal human touch is so vital that He became a man for a time–Jesus was truly God and truly man at the same time. One of His names is Emmanuel, which means God with us. “The Word [Jesus] was God.” John wrote. Thomas addressed Him as “my Lord and my God”. Why is this part of the story so important and relevant to us today? Among other reasons, Jesus can perfectly empathize with us. (Watching the TV series “The Chosen” has refreshed my perspective of Jesus’ humanity and deity co-existing).
The Hebrew writer speaking of Jesus said it like this: “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15).” Jesus was tempted to sin, but He didn’t. He experienced all of our human emotions and the hurts of loneliness, rejection, opposition, persecution, homelessness, poverty, abandonment, grief—every sorrow and joy of the human experience. That’s why He can “rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep (Rom. 12:15).”
Jesus knows how you think, feel, and act. If you need someone to empathize with you and help you with life and relationships, I recommend Jesus.
In Him,
Chaplain Wade Graber
After serving as a church pastor for over four decades, Wade is now the director of Graber Ministries and the corporate Chaplain for TCG Services. Wade’s caregiving ministries take him to co-worker’s desks, down the street to local businesses, online to share life with clients, around the US, and across the ocean for church planting (primarily in Liberia), and sharing his writings and songs about “The Mission of the Holy Spirit."