Hope, and Water, Will Always Find a Way

Hey Team Caregivers (TCG Family and Friends)!

Once upon a time, our basement never leaked.  Then it began to seep.  After a well pipe broke beside the house,

it began to leak.  The nice representative from the basement repair company gave us the bid, and he shared a lot of

good information with us.

One nugget that stood out in our minds was his remark that water always finds a way to get places.  Once it gets

somewhere, it will be able to return and even go further than the last time, if allowed.

Jesus referred to the “living water” in two primary stories in the Gospel of John.  He offered living water to the woman

at the well (John 4), and He referenced the living water during His message at the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7).  John interpreted

Jesus’ message by letting us know that the living water is the Holy Spirit.

Think about it.  God the Holy Spirit will always find a way to touch your life and minister to you at the very depths of your being.

The songwriter asked the question, “Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Ps.139:7)  He discovered that there is no place in heaven, or hell,

or in between, where we can escape the presence of God.  We may selfishly resist Him and not allow Him to bless and control our lives,

but we can never stop the Spirit from flowing wherever He wills to flow.

May the line from “Oceans” (Hillsong) be as a prayer to open up and allow God the Holy Spirit and living water to flow in our lives

without any resistance or limitations:  “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.”  May we continue to pray the following words.

Living Water, please make Your way into every facet of my life—spirit, soul, and body. 

                                                                      From the largest opening to the tiniest crack in my heart, soul, and mind—fill me to overflowing.

In Him,


Chaplain Wade Graber

After serving as a church pastor for over four decades, Wade is now the director of Graber Ministries and the corporate Chaplain for TCG Services. Wade’s caregiving ministries take him to co-worker’s desks, down the street to local businesses, online to share life with clients, around the US, and across the ocean for church planting (primarily in Liberia), and sharing his writings and songs about “The Mission of the Holy Spirit."

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