A Good Forgettery
Chaplain Wade Graber
July 14, 2020
Hey Team CareGivers (TCG Family and Friends)!
The older I get, the more I forget. Sound familiar? I see advertisements for supplements that help your memory.
Most of them advertise that they help with the 5 basic elements of brain performance (which I can’t recall at the moment😊).
It wasn’t until I was reading the book, “Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt”, that I saw a facet of forgetfulness that is a virtue
and a strength. The author, Jentezen Franklin, wrote, ”You don’t just need a good memory. Sometimes you need a good forgettery.”
He continued, “Life is an adventure in forgiveness. It is all about releasing and reaching. Release the past and reach for the future. The
only way to do this is to love like you’ve never been hurt. This means loving so intensely that it overrides all your natural instincts for
bitterness and revenge. You will never get ahead trying to get even. When you have been wronged, a poor memory is your best response.
A good forgettery is what all of us need.”
One of my fave verses is Ephesians 4:32: “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also
forgave you.” May each and every one of us have a good memory and a good forgettery as needed for good relationships.
In Him,
Chaplain Wade Graber
After serving as a church pastor for over four decades, Wade is now the director of Graber Ministries and the corporate Chaplain for TCG Services. Wade’s caregiving ministries take him to co-worker’s desks, down the street to local businesses, online to share life with clients, around the US, and across the ocean for church planting (primarily in Liberia), and sharing his writings and songs about “The Mission of the Holy Spirit."