Eyes on Jesus
Chaplain Wade Graber
December 19, 2023
Hey Team CareGivers (TCG Family and Friends)!
One of my favorite comments came to mind as I was thinking of all that today and this week hold before us. It sort of goes like this: A little 7 year old girl was asked if she got everything that she wanted for Christmas. Her thoughtful response was, “No, but it’s not my birthday.”
“Eyes on Jesus” continues to be one of my all time favorite quotes. This morning my friend David did his blog on this phrase at the beginning of Hebrews 12:2, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…” When I officiate at a funeral this morning I’ll be directing the attenders to stay focused on God, since He is the “God of all comfort”, and I am the pastor of no comfort.
This Christmas we will celebrate Jesus’ earthly birthday. As we enjoy presents, spend time together, eat delicious food, attend special celebrations, enjoy lights and displays, and keep our family traditions, we want to ultimately keep our eyes on Jesus. After all, if there was no Christ, there would be no Christmas. Blessings!!
In Him and eyes on Him,

Chaplain Wade Graber
After serving as a church pastor for over four decades, Wade is now the director of Graber Ministries and the corporate Chaplain for TCG Services. Wade’s caregiving ministries take him to co-worker’s desks, down the street to local businesses, online to share life with clients, around the US, and across the ocean for church planting (primarily in Liberia), and sharing his writings and songs about “The Mission of the Holy Spirit."