Friday (February 16th) – For the final day of Love and Kindness Week here at TCG, we want to further the idea of making each of these daily challenges things that are incorporated into everyday life for you and your kids going forward.
With that, we challenge everyone to create a Love and Kindness Action Plan: Reach out to friends and family to plan a fun activity this weekend with spreading love as the core focus (volunteer somewhere or get together to make items for donations). Start your own Daily/Weekly Kindness Challenge, and challenge others to join in. Start sharing your favorite Bible verses or uplifting stories online or via e-mail. The possibilities are endless, and we’d love to hear your ideas.
All of this is in the spirit of Love Month, and the simple words from 1 John 3:18 – “My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”
Looking forward to hearing details on how each daily challenge was met, and ideas for advancing the spread of love and positivity in the world!
With Love,