March is upon us and the madness has begun at TCG! Pastor Wade has once again set-up the annual TCG March Madness Little Dance Basketball...
TCG Love and Kindness Week – Day 5
Friday (February 16th) – For the final day of Love and Kindness Week here at TCG, we want to further the idea of making each of these...
TCG Love and Kindness Week – Day 4
Thursday (February 15th) – Beyond co-workers, classmates and relatives, we all interact with various people every day (Mail Carriers, Bank...
TCG Love and Kindness Week – Day 3 (V-Day)
Wednesday, February 14th - Valentine's Day! Since this is the big day, and most likely the reason we view February as "Love Month",...
TCG’s Love and Kindness Week – Day Two
Today's Love and Kindness Challenge for Tuesday February 13th is to find a way to interject some positivity into a Social Media post or...
Love and Kindness Week – Day One
Monday, February 12th 2024 – As the kick-off to TCG's Love and Kindness Week, we are rolling out a love and kindness challenge each day...
Love and Kindness Week 2024
With Pastor Wade announcing the arrival of Love Month on February 1st, the TCG Family wanted to take things a step further and celebrate a...
Season of Giving
Last week we connected with a long-time industry colleague and friend to assist on a Coat Drive she was heading up to assist needy...
2022 YTD Happenings at TCG
Wow! In one week it will be June 1st, 2022. Another year flying by. We are certainly embracing the busy-ness of 2022, in comparison to...
Flexible FM With TCG
This week's highlighted reason for outsourcing your organization's FM functions, focuses on flexibility: When outsourcing your facility...